Yet Another Software Engineering Blog

Author: fble

Defining and grouping Exceptions

I recently worked with the league/oauth2-server php framework for OAuth2 by @alexbilbie which is -by the way- very easy to use and integrate. Many thanks to the author 🙂 !

If you take a closer look at the source code of this framework you are maybe as thrilled as I am about the cleanness of the code given by the clear structure and wise naming.

The fact that impressed me most was the way the exception classes are defined and grouped. Instead of defining a separate exception class for each case there are just two classes: An OAuthServerException and an UniqueTokenIdentifierConstraintViolationException.

The last one looks like a usual exception for the case that there is a special constraint violation as you can already guess by its name. The exception will be raised if there is an error when creating a new token identifier which already exists. However, the static factory method to create an instance was a bit unfamiliar for me at first sight.

The first exception class, however, contains more lines of code than usual exceptions. The class consists of some members and dynamic methods. These hold and give access to typical data about the occurred exception like the causing exception, an additional payload and the incoming http request. Furthermore it contains the http status code, an error message as well as an additional hint to signal and explain the error to the client.

So far it looks like a usual exception class containing special information for http stuff.
And yet there is one difference: the static methods just as the one in the other exception class. This time we can count nine of them. Each returns a new instance of the exception class for a special case.

Which looks a bit unfamiliar at first, makes the usage and the structure for exception handling very easy. If there is an invalid requests e.g. because of a missing parameter you can simply call throw OAuthServerException::invalidRequest('name');. The factory method then creates a new instance of the exception class and passes all required arguments for this case which results in a very smart and helpful exception message containing the hint Check the `name` parameter.

The factory methods ensure that there is one source of truth for defining the error codes, messages or hints. This helps that you won’t mess up with error strings all over the source code.
Additionally, it allows to identify the places where the exceptions are thrown by using the “show usages” feature of your IDE.


I recommend you to take a closer look at the exception handling used in the league/oauth2-server php framework.

In my former projects I usually ended up structuring exception classes in a kind of hierarchy using inheritance. This sometimes turned to a big mess using lots of instance of checks to differentiate the exception.

However, grouping similar exceptions into one class makes a lot of sense when combining it with factory methods for each exception case.

Clean Code Days 2018 – Day 1

The Clean Code Days in Munich is a developer conference about the “Clean Code Movement”. The main topics are code quality aspects, team dynamic and design principles. This post gives a small summary including the key aspects of the talks I participated in.

Keynote: Test Intelligence?

The first day started with the keynote by Dr. Elmar Jürgens (@ElmarJuergens) about Test Intelligence. This talk explains how existing data can be used to answer the questions what should be tested, which change were omitted during tests and which test execution order is the best to fail fast (this can minimize the feedback loop!)

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Branch by Abstraction

Since a couple of weeks I follow a controversial topic on twitter which I would describe as the “anti-feature-branching” movement. In a previous post I have already written about feature branching and why someone would recommend to not following such a successful branching model.

The solution to many daily problems a typical developer is facing when applying feature branching will be solved by doing Trunk Based Development. If you integrate daily instead of waiting until the complete feature is finished, the merge won’t be a big deal. However, the merge conflict of integrating a completed feature after a few month into mainline could be a big mess. I think that is something every developer has experienced already.

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Elegant Objects

A few years ago @yegor256 published a book called Elegant Objects about object oriented development. On www.elegantobjects.org you find an interesting collection of patterns and principles which should not used in true object oriented software. For example stating that getters and setters are an anti-pattern is an interesting thesis.

Controversial Topic: Feature Branching

@tdpauw gave a nice talk about “Feature Branching is Evil” on the XP DAY in UKRAINE in November last year (the slides from a similar presentation a few days ago can be found here). The article “On DVCS, continuous integration, and feature branches” also lists some valid arguments against feature branching.

I have used “A successful Git branching model” in several software projects making both positive and negative experiences. The distinction between a master branch for releases and a develop branched used for integration helps you keeping your history clean. However, it works against the idea of being able to deliver at every point of time when applying CI/CD.

Combining your branching strategy with distributed code reviews (e.g. in combination with merge/pull requests) is another practice which helped me and my team members to share a common knowledge about our code base and keep a high software quality level.

However, I experienced more than once that feature branching can easy lead to have multiple long-lived branches which diverge and often end in a merge hell. That’s why I (and my others) recommend to work in small increments and integrate very often to ensure a lifetime of your branches.

xUnit Patterns

If you are interested in testing best practices, patterns or strategies have a look at xUnitPatters.com. The different ways for grouping test cases (e.g. Test Class per Fixture) helped me refactoring and simplifying our integration tests.

Manual Mutation Testing

I bet you run unit tests in your software project to ensure that your system works as expected. If you don’t, you definitely should 😉 since they give you the required safety for proper refactoring. But that’s another story . . .

So if you run your tests you maybe check the code coverage to get some metrics about your tests. But does this say something about the quality of your tests? At least it tells you which lines or statements will be executed in your tests and which not. If the tests verify the behaviour of the statements cannot be answered by code coverage, though.

When I am doing code reviews I also check out the code and execute the test cases. Then I walk through the code and spy for critical statements like difficult calculations, date manipulations or important parameters for requests to give some examples. After verifying that all tests run green I comment out or change an identified statement and run the tests again. If at least one test fails I am happy, so I rejoice when the tests fail 😉 (which is one rule of The Way of Testivus). If all tests pass, however, I have identified a missing test case.

After reading the blog post “Mutation Testing oder wie gut sind meine Tests wirklich?” I realised that my approach for identifying missing test cases (and measuring the quality of our tests) can be named as manual mutation testing.

Hello World!

It has been a while since I started thinking about publishing my own blog where I can write about all the software engineering stuff I come across while reading, learning and practicing. When working as a software engineer you gain new experience every singe day. Here I will share some of my lessons learned. I hope this will help me to reflect about what I have learned and maybe there is anyone out there finding it interesting.

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